that marks the end of my last performance with AHSChoir. All the sec fours' last performance with AHSChoir.
So physically drained that I can't type any more, but still mentally high!
I'll write my comments about it tomorrow, all the hard work we've put in just for this night;
our own concert, our very own.
To all my dearest choir mates: I've been so much much more attatched to AHChoir after we started practising so hard for our concert. There's nothing more i can say, I LOVE AHSCHOIR. Handover? not looking forward to it, I wish I could stay here forever. For tolerating all my nonsense, crap and retardedness, you're really a bunch of patient people.
I'll remember the music that we've made even 10 or 20 0r 70 years down the road, I'll remember the times where we're being scolded, the times where we get totally submerged in the songs, the times where we've worked so hard till we fall sick, the good times and the bad times...
Not really good at expressing everything right here, so all I can say is: I REALLY LOVE YOU GUYS
To my dearest friends: those who watched, those who gave me flowers and notes, sms-ed me or supported me (NOT JUST ME but the whole choir!) I LOVE YOU GUYS! i'll post the pictures here tomorrw. I'm keeping my flower garden in a glass bottle! I"ll write more tomorrow <3
its 1:49 am now, I still have to leave my house at 8:25 to go to the arttrip at the singapore national museum.
4april (the rest in previous post)
hahaha: u've tinking alot on religion liao sia. hahahhahah. u shld go to this blog. but well religion is not sth easy.
hahaha: and my conclusion is u shall believe. but for u u're catholic. so i duno
{i thought you're harharhar? lol, not easy hmm i'll see what happens. }
terie: neh, i smsed you the other day le mah!
{haha i still have the sms! :D:D:D}

anonymous: OMG!!! is sheena wai wai's gf?
{OMG!!! WHOARE YOU!! -__-}
Cutie: LOL it's late but hope you had a great concert! (:
{THANKYOU! :D its never too late haha ;D }
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